Kerala Astrology

Astrology is considered as a science and its is one of the sub branch of Vedas. This was invented and developed by the Great Saints of Vedic times. Aryabhata,Parashara, Varaha Mihira, Garga and Kalidasa are well known for their contributions. The origin of the Astrology or Jyothisham science can go back as old as 5000 years.

Kerala Astrology based on 9 planets namely the Sun, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Rahu & Kethu. Gulika (Maandhi) is also considered in Horoscope and its prediction. As per Kerala Astrology there are 27 Birth Stars from Aswathi to Revathy. The Planets moves under 12 signs of the zodiac covering the sky, from Medam to Meenam. In different part of India, astrologers have their own method & style of deriving Jyothisham.

The Traditional Kerala style of Horoscope anylasys is highly valued for the predictive accuracy. Kerala had made significant contribution in the Astrology by contributing "Prashna". Prashna is based on temporary Rasi Chakra set up at the time of Prashna using Kavadi.

Kerala astrology is famous for its contribution also in the field of Vasthu Vidya and Panchaga.


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